Fascia and Regenerative Medicine

Fascia and Regenerative Medicine

Fascia is the network of connective tissue that spans the entire body. And because of how it is interconnected, it allows for communication throughout the body, enabling targeted regenerative therapy.

Fascial-Layer Specific Hydromanipulation

Fascial-Layer Specific Hydromanipulation

Fascial-Layer Specific Hydromanipulation (FLuSH) is a novel technique developed by Dr. Wang using the saline jet to remove fascial adhesions/densificiation from specific fascial layers.

How We Work

How We Work

Our services utilize hands-on techniques learned through tradition and mentorship

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Learn More About Fascia

Learn More About Fascia

What is fascia? What do we know about fascia pathophysiology?

Bespoke Savoir-Faire Medicine

Dr. Wang will work with your unique & individual needs to develop tailored and customized interventions using the art of knowledge- bespoke combinations of regenerative injections, Integrative Medicine, fascial layer specific hydromanipulation, diagnostic fascial sequencing approach using point-of-care ultrasonography and fascial glide and layer-specific palpatory verification, fascia tuning, movement rehabilitation- with the ultimate goal of empowering you with knowledge and strength to cultivate a life that supports and uplifts you even with the struggles of chronic illness.​

The Roots

Tupelo Pointe is named after the Tupelo tree, known for its strength and resilience. As a young student, Dr. Wang often found herself stopping at Tupelo Point on the Wellesley College campus after her runs around Lake Waban to ponder the course of her life. In times of difficulties, she always remembers her roots first grounded at Wellesley College upon the foundation of all the great women who came before.

Tupelo Pointe is a space that grew from the seeds of need. As a young physician, Dr. Wang saw the disconnect between conventional medicine & optimal outcomes. This prompted Dr. Wang to explore alternative treatment options and keep an open perspective regarding what it means to be human and how a healer best aids her patients in their pursuit of wellness.

Tupelo Pointe is a celebration of our love for all things in life that help us connect to our soul and our spirit. Our goal is to care for those around us to allow them to whole-heartedly pursue their vehicle for human expression and connection.

Laxity in hypermobility syndrome

Laxity in Hypermobility Syndrome, Hypermobile Connective Tissue Disorders

What are Hypermobile disorders of connective tissue (HDCT) & EDS?

HDCT are a heterogenous collection of disorders of the connective tissue. Mutations affect collagen and the way it behaves resulting in tissue hyper-distensibility and joint laxity.

Specifically, mutations change the way collagen folds and organizes itself. Collagen has to form properly from DNA translation into RNA and transcription into protein structucture that must fold correctly to function properly. Mutations change the structure, folding, and function of collagen through changes in the collagen structures itself or the proteins that influence the cleavage, folding and, thus, behavior of collagen. The affected genes and the expression of these genes affect the degree of clinical signs and symptoms.

HDCT include Hypermobile Spectrum Disorders, Marfan's syndrome, osteogenesis imperfectca, and EDS. 

EDS are a heterogenous group of inherited connective tissue disorders characterized by joint hypermobility, skin hyperextensibility, and tissue fragility. EDS are currently classified into thirteen subtypes with strict set of diagnostic criteria. Many of the the EDS subtypes have associated specific gene mutation except hypermobile EDS (hEDS). The hypermobility type is most common in EDS, followed by the classical type. Together, they account for approximately 90% of all cases 

General categorization according to Voermans, N.C., Bonnemann, C.G., Hamel, B.C.J., et al., 2009. Joint hypermobility as a distinctive feature in the differential diagnosis of myopathies. J. Neurol. 256, 13–27.

I. Conditions with diffuse distal and proximal hypermobility: Marfans, Ehlers–Danlos classical type, tenascin-X and hypermobility type, central core disease

IA. Diffuse distal and less so proximal mobility – multiminicore disease
II. Distal hypermobility only – Ehlers–Danlos vascular and kyphoscoliotic types

III. Distal hypermobility and proximal contractures – Ulrich congenital myopathy, Bethlem myopathy, congenital muscular dystrophy with joint hypermobility (CMDH)

IV. Mixed pattern – limb girdle muscular dystrophy

What are hypermobility Spectrum Disorders?​

Hypermobility spectrum disorders (HSD) are a group of conditions related to connective tissue laxity. HSD encompasses the syndrome of connective tissue disorders that don't meet the strict diagnostic criteria of hEDS.  There is Hypermobility as measured by the Beighton score. Like hEDS, work up for other autoimmune and medical conditions is negative. Unlike hEDS, other specific clinical conditions are not present. HSD, just like hEDS, is multi-systemic. Those with HSD have variable laxity in different body regions have heterogeneous systemic involvement. 

In general, the classification falls into the following:

  • Generalized (joint) HSD (G-HSD): GJH objectively assessed (e.g., by the Beighton score) plus one or more secondary musculoskeletal manifestations identified below. The pattern and severity of the musculoskeletal involvement should be carefully assessed in order to explore the possibility full-blown hEDS.

  • Peripheral (joint) HSD (P-HSD): JH limited to hands and feet plus one or more secondary musculoskeletal manifestations.

  • Localized (joint) HSD (L-HSD): JH at single joints or group of joints plus one or more secondary musculoskeletal manifestations regionally related to the hypermobile joint(s).

  • Historical (joint) HSD (H-HSD): self-reported (historical) GJH with negative Beighton score plus one or more secondary musculoskeletal manifestations. Physical examination aimed at excluding the alternative diagnoses of G-HSD, P-HSD, and L-HSD as well as other rheumatologic conditions is mandatory.

What are the consequences of laxity?

​These disorders are multi-systemic and characterized by involvement of vessels, skin, joints, bone, organs, muscles, and nervous system. Hypermobility can be symptomless apart from the unusual mobility, but often there are other symptoms that result from that mobility. In general, laxity of ligaments predispose to joint instability, subluxation, and dislocation. Trauma to ligaments, tendons, muscles can occur.

Systemically, hypermobility affects the gastrointestinal system causing functional symptoms like diarrhea and cramping, cardiovascular system like orthostatic tachycardia and bleeding, genitourital system like pelvic pain and bladder dysfunction, and the nervous system like fatigue, brain fog, and anxiety. ​

Laxity From Upper Crossed/Lower Crossed Syndrome

​Laxity occurs from upper crossed/lower crossed syndrome. Most people develop upper crossed/lower crossed syndrome for sitting in a forward flexed position that is a consequence of modern lifestyle. However, this syndrome affects Hypermobility to a greater degree. Staying in prolonged sitting postures causes stiffness to develop in certain areas of the body. This causes the thoracic spine to curve forward and the pelvis to dump forward.

​Because the body functions as a fascial chain, stiffness in one part of the body affects mobility in other parts of the body. As parts of the chain stiffens abnormally, other parts of the chain become abnormally more mobile to make up for the increased stiffness in areas that have lost mobility. In Hypermobile connective tissue disorders, because tissue is more distensible and hyper-responsive, a greater degree of microtrauma occurs from too much motion in areas that should be stable.

Laxity From Proprioceptive Disruption

Laxity occurs from impaired proprioception. Proprioception is the sense of the relative position of parts of the body and how much effort is needed for movement and control of the body.  Proprioception is provided by the mechanoreceptors that are located within the fascia.  Proprioception is also dependent on the architecture of the fascia. In Hypermobile connective tissue disorders, the fascia surrounding the mechanoreceptors are disrupted resulting in impairment of proprioception and inability for the body to know where the joint range of motion stops. This impairment leads to microtrauma as well as traumatic dislocation. 

How can you get more answers?

Dr. Wang can work with you to figure things out. Dr. Wang will help you work with your fascia and use motor control exercises to retrain proprioception. Dr. Wang uses Prolotherapy to strengthen tendons and ligaments to help stabilize areas that have too much laxity.

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Client Testimonials

Professor Dominique Bell


@dubious_dom Thank you Dr. Tina Wang for keeping me healthy and in fighting shape.”

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Sensei Gary Goltz


She does some really different stuff. I like what she does."  

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Leilani Akiyama


Leilani Akiyama, USA Judo Olympic Team @leilanimal Dr. Wang is so generous, knowledgeable, and she actually cares. It was so refreshing to meet someone...

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Gregory Prior


@greg1prior Gregory Prior is an American judo player currently competing at the international level. He has won and competed in multiple state and regional...

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